Return & Refund Policy

Things happen, we get it. So you have 30 days to return your item(s) from the date of placing your order.

Normal goods

You will need to contact us on with your order reference and have a written approval from us before shipping the goods to us. We won’t be able to process your refund otherwise.

Return shipping costs are at your expense. Once we receive and verified the quality of the goods returned, we will process the refund to your original source of payment. Please bear in mind, it may take up to 10 business days to receive the refund.

Custom Order goods

We can’t accept returns & refund requests for the goods that are custom made.

Damaged goods

We handle & pack your orders with so much care and ship them via AusPost. However if your goods are damaged during transit, please send us an email on with the photos of the broken goods and we will be happy to organise a replacement at no additional cost to you.

You may also want to read our Terms & Conditions here.